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第18届温哥华影评人协会奖 获得加拿大电影最佳导演(提名)。获奖影视: 《浮士德》
第40届南特三大洲电影节 获得南特三大洲电影节 金热气球奖 (提名)。获奖影视: 《浮士德》
Born in 1980 in Toronto, Andrea Bussmann studied Social Anthropology at the York University in Canada, where she also earned a ****** of Fine Arts in Film Production in 2009. Her first feature film was HE WHOSE FACE GIVES NO LIGHT (2014), followed by TALES OF TWO WHO DREAMT (2016), which premiered at Berlinale Forum and presented at FICUNAM. Her latest film, FAUST, will be premiering at the Locarno Festival.