祖·奎克 Zu Quirke Zu Quirke

祖·奎克 Zu Quirke
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧

祖·奎克 Zu Quirke简介


Zu Quirke is a British writer/director. Her short films have played in festivals up and down the UK as well as internationally, including the Oscar- and BAFTA-qualifying Raindance and Aesthetica Film Festivals. Zu spent her **** years scrounging for work on film sets before studying Classics at Oxford University. Graduating with a First, she went on to win the BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing competition for film.Zu’s first feature, NOCTURNE, releases October 13th on Amazon Prime.Past directorial credits include: ZUGZWANG [short, 2019], GHOSTING [short, 2016], Jez Butterworth's THE WINTERLING [2013, Keble O'Reilly Theatre], Patrick Hamilton's ROPE [2013, Oxford Union] and Laura Wade's POSH [2011, Oxford Union].

祖·奎克 Zu Quirke合作伙伴

祖·奎克 Zu Quirke最近作品

夜曲观看 西德尼·斯维尼、麦迪森·伊瑟曼 5.7


祖·奎克 Zu Quirke最受好评作品

夜曲观看 西德尼·斯维尼、麦迪森·伊瑟曼 5.7
