琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino Linnea Leino

琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino
  • 性别:
  • 星座:水瓶座
  • 出生日期:1994-02-17
  • 职业:演员

琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino简介


Linnea Leino, was born on February 17, 1994. Leino is typically referred to as a tall girl, yet in her native nation, she is only slightly taller than usual at 5 feet 7 inches.Leino was born and raised in France, where she completed her elementary education before returning to her own country as a high school student.She moved to Finland and enrolled at the Helsinki French-Finnish School, a unique institution run by the Finnish government that significantly impacted French instruction.Linnea spent a year studying at Lahti Folk College after graduating high school. A university that prioritizes fostering students’ personalities.The actress has been enrolled in The University of Tampere’s Theatre Work degree program since 2016.

琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino合作伙伴

琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino最近作品

女孩画像观看 塞西尔·奥尔布林、乌娜·艾罗拉 6.9


Lapua 1976观看 琳尼阿·雷诺、汉努-佩卡·约克曼
Lapua 1976


琳尼阿·雷诺 Linnea Leino最受好评作品

女孩画像观看 塞西尔·奥尔布林、乌娜·艾罗拉 6.9


Lapua 1976观看 琳尼阿·雷诺、汉努-佩卡·约克曼
Lapua 1976
