Papa Beaver's Storytime is an animated television series tells of a single father beaver of three little beaver children of his own, two sons and one daughter, who would tell them different stories, either a fable or a fairytale to his children and at the end would tell them the moral of the story to teach them a lesson about their actions that have done before the story began....
正在播放:海狸爸爸讲故事第104集 ,看点/版本:鹰和狐狸。 更新于,播放来源于爱奇艺。
海狸爸爸讲故事第104集在线观看,看点/版本:鹰和狐狸。 更新于,播放来源于爱奇艺。
剧情介绍:第104集-Papa Beaver's Storytime is an animated television series tells of a single father beaver of three little beaver children of his own, two sons and one daughter, who would tell them different stories, either a fable or a fairytale to his children and at the end would tell them the moral of the story to teach them a lesson about their actions that have done before the story began....——瓜子西瓜提供。