白色谎言原名:אורחים לרגע,又名Orhi le-rega、Off-White Lies、Little White Lies。2011年剧情类型片,创作于以色列地区,具有希伯来语语言版本。由**·克尼希执导,并由Maya Kenig、Dana Diment任编剧,携幕后团队创作。
After years of living apart from her father, Libby, an introverted, yet sharp-witted, teenager, is sent to live with him in Israel. Her arrival coincides with the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War. Libby quickly discovers that her father, Shaul, is an infantile eccentric, and that he is "in-between apartments" (in other words: homeless). Shaul comes up with a creative plan to ...