在星光掩映下原名:In the Shadow of the Stars,1991年纪录片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Allie Light、Irving Saraf执导,于1991-08-14公映。
第64届奥斯卡金像奖: 最佳纪录长片:Allie Light / Irving Saraf
一边开车运货一边练习的男高音卡车司机;18岁精神崩溃在***院里大唱歌剧的男低音;在欧洲各大歌剧院碰运气居无定所的女高音;不懈追求独唱梦想的黑人男高音.I was afraid of that watching this film would hold me back from pursuing ** self-seeking dream, but no, it aspired me instead!
一边开车运货一边练习的男高音卡车司机;18岁精神崩溃在***院里大唱歌剧的男低音;在欧洲各大歌剧院碰运气居无定所的女高音;不懈追求独唱梦想的黑人男高音.I was afraid of that watching this film would hold me back from pursuing ** self-seeking dream, but no, it aspired me instead!