The Hypnotic Eye


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  • 类型:恐怖
  • 地区: 美国
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The Hypnotic Eye剧情内容介绍

The Hypnotic Eye

Bizarre film from 1960  In this surprisingly watchable chiller from 1960, a hypnotist Desmond (Bergerac) gets his entertainment by having beautiful young women disfigure themselves in pretty graphic ways—setting their hair on fire, washing faces with acid, drinking lye, putting their faces in fans—well, you get the idea. With all of this going on, the local police send a detecti...

发布于1960年。由George Blair执导,并且由编剧William Read Woodfield携幕后团队创作。并于1960公映的电影。


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The Hypnotic Eye评价

  • B-Fest 连续看四个半小时电影的我的确hypnotic

  • 缺乏逻辑和可信度,侦探对**的定义多次自相矛盾。但导演技法纯熟,广角镜头让画面幽闭和拥挤。影片刻意模仿威廉.卡索当时的互动电影,让观众参与其中(不停向观众灌输**意识)。最后**现场的*闪漩涡其实是在向观众**,但观众恐怕只会感到**疲劳。今年的3X3D也有类似的**场面。
