介绍: 卫士原名:Bekçi,又名TheGuardian。1985年剧情类型片,创作于土耳其地区,具有土耳其语语言版本。由AliÖzgentürk执…… 更多卫士介绍
卫士原名:Bekçi,又名The Guardian。1985年剧情类型片,创作于土耳其地区,具有土耳其语语言版本。由Ali Özgentürk执导,并由Ali Özgentürk、**** Özgentürk任编剧,携幕后团队创作。
In this film that wavers unsteadily between a comedy and a tragedy, Murtaza (Mujdat Gezen) is a deluded security guard whose fanatical reverence for "duty" verges on the psychotic. He is incapable of seeing himself for what he is -- and as a consequence he is often the unwitting and unknowing brunt of jokes. His wife and daughters are painfully aware of his shortcomings, but th...