Bad Girls from Valley High


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Julie Benz / Monica Keena / Nicole Bilderback
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 地区: 美国
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Bad Girls from Valley High剧情内容介绍

Bad Girls from Valley High又名A Fate Totally Worse Than Death(原著)、Bad Girls(意大利)、Zickenterror an der High School(德国)、Las chicas malas del valle(西班牙)、Kötü kizlar(土耳其)

Three snobbish high school girls prematurely age brought on from a curse, a drug (or something) after the arrival of new transfer student whom they believe is connected to a murder they committed a year earlier.  Originally titled , the screenplay was based on the novel of the same name.  Shot in 2000, the film was not released on DVD until five y...

发布于2004年。由John T. Kretchmer执导,并且由编剧罗伯特·罗卡什、安德鲁·莱恩携幕后团队创作。集众多位Julie Benz、Monica Keena、Nicole Bilderback等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2004-05-13公映的电影。


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Bad Girls from Valley High评价

  • 绿茶校花和她一肚子坏水的***自作自受的故事,以反派做主角的定位很有趣,而且片中的反派们的表现**逗趣搞笑,看着好可怜,真心好希望她们的阴谋得逞啊,太苦*了!

  • 这电影真是给我雷笑了!看了之后死掉的脑细胞会活过来!一颗星给可爱的AP<3
