介绍: BrianandBryanarestrangerswhohookupforaneveningofuninhibitedandunsafe**…… 更多影双成单介绍
影双成单原名:Together Alone,
Brian and Bryan are strangers who hook up for an evening of uninhibited and unsafe ***. Afterward, the two spend the entire evening talking, arguing about everything from sexual identity to *** life to bisexuality to philosophy. Ultimately, **** becomes the prime topic of the evening. Though all of the *** occurs off screen, the ***-oriented discussions between the two are quit...
发布于1991年。由P.J. Castellaneta执导,并于1991-09-13公映的电影。
第42届柏林国际电影节:泰迪熊奖 最佳电影。