介绍: 卓雅原名:Zoya,1995年剧情、历史类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由RichardA.Colla执导,并由L.Virgini…… 更多卓雅介绍
卓雅原名:Zoya,1995年剧情、历史类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Richard A. Colla执导,并由L. Virginia Browne任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Melissa Gilbert、Bruce Boxleitner等著名实力派明星加盟。于1995-09-17公映。
From Publishers Weekly With the emotional panache that pleases her devotees, Steel (Kaleidoscope) portrays Zoya Ossupov, a courageous young woman of Imperial Russia who experiences both ecstasy and trauma. Daughter of a count who is a cousin of Tsar Nicholas, Zoya enjoys a privileged, cloistered existence. Zoya, whose name means "life," is on intimate terms with the tsar's fami...