Aila, Pohjolan tytär


Aila, Pohjolan tytär在线观看和下载
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 米丽亚米·库奥斯马宁 / Tapio Rautavaara / Hilda Pihlajamäki
  • 类型:剧情 / 爱情
  • 地区: 芬兰 / 英国
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《Aila, Pohjolan tytär》在线观看和下载

Aila, Pohjolan tytär剧情内容介绍

Aila, Pohjolan tytär

The narrator of the story introduces himself as American writer Harm, whose surname was formerly Härmä. His parents were born in Finland and after the war he has decided to get to know the land of his forefathers. At the March reindeer round-up '500 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle' he introduces the main characters of his story, the subjects of the 'tragedy which is to de...

发布于1951年。由Jack Witikka执导,并且由编剧艾瑞克·布隆伯格携幕后团队创作。集众多位米丽亚米·库奥斯马宁、Tapio Rautavaara、Hilda Pihlajamäki、Anton Soini、Jalmari Parikka、Ale Porkka、Mogens Wieth等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1951公映的电影。


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Aila, Pohjolan tytär评价

  • 融入了几分Kalevala的史诗感,第三人称的旁白不能削减明显的默片印记
