Verder dan de maan


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:剧情 / 历史
  • 地区: 荷兰 / 比利时 / 丹麦 / 德国
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《Verder dan de maan》在线观看和下载


Verder dan de maan又名Sea of Silence。2004年剧情、历史类型片,创作于荷兰、比利时、丹麦、德国地区,具有荷兰语语言版本。由Stijn Coninx执导,于2004-04-13公映。


1969. Man is about to set foot on the moon but Caro, a nine year-old girl living on a pig farm, refuses to countenance such nonsense. If people can fly to the moon this year, then heaven will be next and God would never allow that to happen. Her religious father Mees is even **** worried. He must cope with modern-day technology, and running such a large household has driven him...

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Verder dan de maan评价

  • 很不错的童影,稀有1080P,WEB-DL版本4+
