爱情故事原名:Love Story,1944年剧***情类型片,创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由莱斯利·阿利斯执导,并由J.W. Drawbell、Rodney Ackland任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位玛格丽特·**伍德 Margaret Lockwood、斯特***·格兰杰、帕特里西亚·罗克、*** Walls等著名实力派明星加盟。于1944-11-20公映。
When concert pianist Lissa Campbell learns that she has a serious heart problem. she vows to enjoy what time she has left. On taking her first holiday, she meets Kit Firth, a pilot on leave, because his future vision may disappear due to a bomb explosion while he was in active *******. Kit Firth is searching for a rare mineral Britian needs in the war effort. When there is an e...
影片花絮: 片**现的科内尔和达特莫斯曲棍球队都是由真实队员来扮演。