介绍: 边村原名:Placówka,又名Outpost。创作于波兰地区,具有波兰语语言版本。由ZygmuntSkonieczny执导,并由博莱斯瓦夫…… 更多边村介绍
边村原名:Placówka,又名Outpost。创作于波兰地区,具有波兰语语言版本。由Zygmunt Skonieczny执导,并由博莱斯瓦夫·普鲁斯、Konrad Frejdlich任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于1979公映。
根据19世纪波兰作家普鲁斯的同名小说改编成的电影。 ****://en.wikipedia****/wiki/The_Outpost_(novel) The Outpost (Polish title: Placówka) was the first of **** major novels by the Polish writer Boleslaw Prus. The author sought to bring attention to the plight of rural Poland, which had to contend with poverty, ignorance, neglect on the part of the country's upper crust, and colonization by German settle...