My America OR Honk if you love buddha


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  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 美国
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《My America OR Honk if you love buddha》在线观看和下载

My America OR Honk if you love buddha剧情内容介绍

My America OR Honk if you love buddha

From Lockermaison  I recorded this movie off PBS one day when I was in college. Didn't know what I was recording, I just habitually recorded things off of PBS at the time. As an Asian American myself, I found this to be an excellent overview of the experiences and feelings that we encounter from the **** ignorant and racist side of America. However, we were born here, this is th...

发布于1997年。由Renee Tajima-Pena执导,并于1997公映的电影。


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