A Child's Cry for Help

A Child's Cry for Help(1994)

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A Child's Cry for Help原名:A Child's Cry for Help,

A recently widowed doctor moves with her daughter to start at a new hospital. While there a ****** mother brings her son in for treatment. The doctor suspects that there is something wrong, and theorizes that the mother is deliberately ****** her son sick so that she could bring him to the hospital for the attention that it gives her. When the doctor decides to restrict the mot...



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A Child's Cry for Help评价

  • 看的是1小时28分钟的版本,情节紧凑,人物性格和关系推进迅速。不过有点正义医生化身侦探的意味,三星半吧。最后在社会福利机构的质询下逐步崩溃的母亲是不是也有一个被她的医生父亲望闻问切的童年呢。在线:https://***.************/242851256111979/videos/361728350890935
