I stefania


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Zoe Laskari / Spiros Focas / Spyros Kalogirou
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区: 希腊
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《I stefania》在线观看和下载

I stefania剧情内容介绍

I stefania又名Στεφανία

18 year old Stefania is brought to a juvenile reformatory for young prostitutes. The institution is actually a prison, and one of the worst and most squalid of its kind. It's a real hell. Two dozens of ragged girls are crammed into a dormitory, locked by a thick iron door, two in each bed. Meals and work is carried out in other sections of the building, separated by iron bars. ...

发布于1967年。由吉恩尼斯·达利亚尼迪斯执导,并且由编剧吉恩尼斯·达利亚尼迪斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位Zoe Laskari、Spiros Focas、Spyros Kalogirou等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1967-01-09(希腊)公映的电影。


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I stefania评价

  • 剖析社会问题时赋予了过强宿命感的色彩,结构上的倒叙反而即刻卸掉剑拔弩张**女子**戏的一股劲,网撒得太广,总有一类宁愿玉石俱焚
