介绍: 跃原名:Skok,又名TheLeap。1969年剧情、动作类型片,创作于波兰地区,具有波兰语语言版本。由KazimierzKutz执导,并由…… 更多跃介绍
跃原名:Skok,又名The Leap。1969年剧情、动作类型片,创作于波兰地区,具有波兰语语言版本。由Kazimierz Kutz执导,并由Edmund Gluchowski、卡其米尔茨·库茨任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Bogdan Baer、耶日·宾奇茨基、耶日·布**等著名实力派明星加盟。于1969-06-10公映。
In ****** WHOEVER MAY KNOW, Kutz demonstrated a true passion for documentary filmmaking, something that would come through again in SKOK / THE LEAP (1967), in which Kutz depicted the community of a PGR (collective farm) without a shade of sentimentality, indulgence or condescension. Based on a short story by writer and reporter Edmund Gluchowski, the film depicts Polish country...