介绍: AnItaliansubmarinereturnsfromamission.Thecrewmemberslookforwardtoreuni…… 更多里约之爱介绍
里约之爱原名:Lupi nell'abisso,又名Les loups dans l'abîme、Wolves of the Deep、深海之狼
An Italian submarine returns from a mission. The crew members look forward to reunite with their family, and to escape the promiscuity that causes tensions to run high amongst sailors. Shortly before reaching safe waters, disaster strikes: a squadron of enemy airplanes bombs the submarine, which sinks to the bottom of the sea, 110 meters below the waterline. The captain immedia...
发布于1959年。由西尔维奥·阿玛迪奥执导,并且由编剧西尔维奥·阿玛迪奥、卢恰诺·温琴佐尼携幕后团队创作。集众多位马西莫·吉洛蒂、福尔科·卢利、让-马克·伯里、Alberto Lupo、霍斯特·弗兰克、皮耶罗·卢利、贾恩卡洛·斯布拉贾、Nino Dal Fabbro等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1959-06(柏林电影节)公映的电影。
第9届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。