介绍: 致父亲原名:Ojcu,又名To**Father。2015年纪录片、短片类型片,创作于加拿大地区,具有波兰语、乌克兰语、俄语语言版本。由Lil…… 更多致父亲介绍
致父亲原名:Ojcu,又名To ** Father。2015年纪录片、短片类型片,创作于加拿大地区,具有波兰语、乌克兰语、俄语语言版本。由Liliana Komorowska、Diana Skaya执导,并由Liliana Komorowska、Diana Skaya任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Alina Bandrowska、Antoni Porowski、Olesya Akhtemiychuk、Maila Desrochers、Annette Woloshen等著名实力派明星加盟。于2015-11(波兰),2016-05(戛纳电影节)公映。
The short docu-drama To ** Father is a reconstruction of the tragic story of Adam Bandrowski, a man living in the Polish borderlands, seen through the eyes of his three-year-old daughter, Alina. Settled in the memory of the child are poetic images of her family's life, which are suddenly interrupted with scenes of the arrest, interrogation, and execution of her father during St...