介绍: EbnHameedoisafishermanwhoarriveswithhiscolleagueHassantofishingareanea…… 更多ابن حميدو介绍
ابن حميدو又名Ebn Hamido
Ebn Hameedo is a fisherman who arrives with his colleague Hassan to fishing area near Suez where drug trafficking is practiced. They meet two sisters, Azeeza, the younger and Hameeda, the older maiden.They rent a room in their father’s house and fall in love with the two girls. Their love could have lead to marriage had it not been for al-Baaz Effendi who wanted to marry Azee...
发布于1957年。由Fatin Abdel Wahab执导,并且由编剧Abbas Kamel携幕后团队创作。集众多位伊斯梅尔·亚辛、海因德·罗斯通、Ahmed Ramzy、Tewfik El Dekn、Zinat Sidqi、Abdel Fatah Al Kasri、Nilli Mazloom、Neemat Moukhatar等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1957-08-07(埃及)公映的电影。