介绍: Seidltakeshiscameratoanabstract-artexhibitionandasksthepublictocomment…… 更多展览的图像介绍
展览的图像原名:Bilder einer Ausstellung,又名Pictures at an Exhibition
Seidl takes his camera to an abstract-art exhibition and asks the public to comment on what they see. Some analyse the work from a strictly Freudian angle as they nibble their canapés; others can only see penises. In reality, the paintings are simply an excuse for Seidl to unmask the anguishes, fears, suspicions and sexual taboos of the subjects gathered here. The "public" incl...
发布于1996年。由Ulrich Seidl执导,并且由编剧尤里西·塞德尔携幕后团队创作。并于1996公映的电影。