轮回原名:Samsara,又名সামসারা。2019年惊悚类型片,创作于印度地区,具有孟加拉语语言版本。由阿比吉特·古哈、舒德施那·罗伊执导,集众多位拉胡尔·班纳吉、瑞第克·查克拉博蒂、塔努施丽·查克拉博蒂、Indrajit Chakravarty、Sudiptaa Chakraborty等著名实力派明星加盟。于2019-08-02(印度)公映。
The story is of three friends from school who meet up after about 18 years. One of them is a successful businessman, the other runs his in laws business and third one is a writer with a writers block. He asks old friends to ****. In the process 77mi.cc the three get back some fun of the past. But as they can't **** the writer and some strange things keep occurring the three fri...
片名释义: “轮回”是个梵文名词,意思是“轮转”或是“生命的循环”,只要人在生死的循环里,就是在轮回之中。