Maybe I'm Fine

Maybe I'm Fine(2019)

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Maybe I'm Fine剧情内容介绍

Maybe I'm Fine原名:Maybe I'm Fine,

"Maybe I'm Fine" is the story of a young girl, Sam Childs played by Isabella Blake-Thomas (from "Once"), who is tasked with helping her mother, Denise, divorce her deadbeat musician ex-husband, Barry, so she can marry her new love, Jefferey. During parents weekend while away at camp, Sam needs to get her Dad to sign the divorce documents, and he unknowingly to the camp counselo...

发布于2019年。由Elizabeth Blake-Thomas执导,并且由编剧伊莎贝拉·布莱克·托马斯、Elizabeth Blake-Thomas携幕后团队创作。集众多位罗勃·梅耶斯、伊莎贝拉·布莱克·托马斯、凯利·苏利文、福勒克斯·亚历山大、丹妮拉·阿隆索、马克·克里斯托弗·劳伦斯、瑞恩·卡尔塔吉罗内、玛德琳·达根、丹·理查森、马克·克雷尼克、Charlie Wright、Mike Bradecich等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-03-26(金州电影节)公映的电影。


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