Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris


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Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris

This rare film document of one of the towering figures of 20th-century American literature—photographed by Jack Hazan (Rude Boy, A Bigger Splash)—captures the iconic writer in several symbolic locations, including the Place de la Bastille. As Hazan recounts: “Things don’t go to plan for him and the film crew when a couple of young Black Vietnam draft dodgers impose themselves o...

发布于1971年。由Terence Dixon执导,集众多位詹姆斯·鲍德温等著名实力派明星加盟。


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Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris评价

  • 想不到鲍德温是这副鬼样,大跌眼镜。敏感、脆弱、自尊心强……眼见的遭受过**的弱小男人的心理,基佬+黑人在那个年代到底受到了多少摧残,让他变成这样。

  • James Baldwin好锐利。片头旁白像介绍动物世界一样介绍他的处境,采访过程中对他为什么来巴黎这点揪住不放,看的时候一直想翻白眼了,但在当时白人真的觉得自己挺liberal的吧

  • “——Because you don’t understand that you for me, is ** prison. You are ** warden. I am battling you. ” “——Love has never been a popular movement, and no one has ever really wanted to be free. The world is held together by the love and passion of very few people. “

  • 才30分钟三分之二的素材放的全是对峙场景,这两位完全不在一个*道,但也实实在在拍到了他那张战士的脸庞:you the english, the french, the west, the christian thinks you could save me.. you dont know that ive endured your salvations so long

  • 那个年代的白人说话可真难听 (right on baby

  • 我的天,纪录片和人物interview反面例子一览。看了五分钟我已经在替James Baldwin生气了,临近结尾我已经想冲进去揍导演了。Wow white guy’s ignorance and arrogance is suffocating.

  • Baldwin说出是“we save you”的时候犹如一记大巴掌呼到观众和执镜者脸上。Terence Dixon的白人身份在这部片子里显露无疑,傲慢,condescending,戴着“i'm showing this to the world”的伪善**,实际也是Baldwin所说的white supremacy专属“salvation”。这样的拧巴呈现在影像里,算是外部世界race struggle的一个小缩影吧。有趣得很。

  • so powerful, need to take notes

  • The sheer wisdom and grace that radiate off Baldwin... incredible. ‘Love has never been a popular movement, and no one’s ever wanted really to be free. The world is held together by the love and passion of a very few people.’ 一针见血的真诚

  • James Baldwin vs. 史上最理直气壮的无知无畏式提问者,“他急了他急了”😆
