介绍: Thistalkinganimalseriesforkidsages0-8focusesonElinorandherfriendsAri,a…… 更多埃莉诺想知道为什么 第一季介绍
埃莉诺想知道为什么 第一季原名:Elinor Wonders Why Season 1,
This talking animal series for kids ages 0-8 focuses on Elinor and her friends Ari, a funny and imaginative bat, and Olive, a perceptive and warm elephant who go on big adventures in Animal Town in sunny Natural Forest, Calif., with all kinds of interesting, funny, and quirky characters, each with something to teach us about respecting others, the importance of diversity, carin...
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为动画、家庭、冒险的动画。创作于美国、加拿大 Canada地区,具有英语语言版本。
bein a bandit just saying okay to 3 heli n 1 carnival on gift requests? wow surly opened ** eye. gettin sick.🤮
太可愛啦!!兔兔Elinor好可愛呀!!!PhD Comics做宣傳時就有在關注了,終於現在搭上PBS kids trial才看上...哭哭