介绍: ThedestructionoftheblockofbuildingsnamedGentianesin2011recordsthebegin…… 更多燃烧的新月介绍
燃烧的新月原名:Le Croissant de feu,
The destruction of the block of buildings named Gentianes in 2011 records the beginning of a new era for the Mourinoux neighborhood and its inhabitants. If they have to leave, where can they go? How to get there? Memories are shared and other places are imagined as conversations take place between a few young men born in the 1990s.
发布于2021年。由Rayane Mcirdi执导,并于2021-09-29(法国)公映的电影。
#44th Ciné** du réel# **竞赛。想起《加加林》,典型的“site of memory”概念。大楼被拆的那组影像很厉害。
Mr. Lei
【Ciné** du Réel 2022】一双诱人的双腿在眼前晃来晃去,哪还有心思听他们说了啥
blood orange
#44th_Ciné** du Réel @Inmate Award