介绍: Theformerfrontmanoftheonce-lovedrockbandZhiguli,Fory,cannotpaythetuiti…… 更多Голата истина за група Жигули介绍
Голата истина за група Жигули又名The Naked Truth About Zhiguli Band
The former front man of the once-loved rock band Zhiguli, Fory, cannot pay the tuition fees for his talented daughter at the Royal Academy of Music in London. A wealthy, loyal fan of Fory offers him a hefty paycheck, if his favourite band from his youth Zhiguli plays at his 50th anniversary. This offer fully motivates Fory to bring back the band that fell apart 30 years ago. He...
发布于2021年。由维克多·博吉诺夫执导,集众多位Phillip Avramov、Maya Bejanska、Mihail Bilalov等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2021-04-16(保加利亚)公映的电影。