介绍: MagpiethepostmanbroughtalettertotheElephant.ButtheLittleElephantdidnot…… 更多小象和信件介绍
小象和信件原名:Слонёнок и письмо,又名Slonyonok i pismo、The Little Elephant and a Letter
Magpie the postman brought a letter to the Elephant. But the Little Elephant did not know what to do with it, because he could not read and went to Hare for ****. When he saw a clever Hare, with a book in his hands, weeding a carrot from weeds, the Little Elephant was ashamed to admit to him its inability. The Hare, glancing at the envelope, said that he had received the same i...
发布于1983年。由Vladimir Arbekov执导,并且由编剧Viktor Lunin携幕后团队创作。并于1983(苏联)公映的电影。